Welcome to the IUT website !

The Technological University of Ville d’Avray/Saint-Cloud/Nanterre offers a high-level technology platform for programs such as the BUT (University Bachelor of Technology) on three campuses.
Most of our courses can be prepared under academic student status or through apprenticeship. The IUT also welcomes vocational trainees and practices Validation of Acquired Professional Experience.

Each site is dedicated to a specific training area:
  • Ville d’Avray: Science and engineering study center
  • Saint-Cloud: Book Industry study center
  • Nanterre: Business & Administration Management / Social Careers / Marketing Techniques study center.
50, rue de Sèvres - 92410 Ville d'Avray]
Ville d'Avray campus hosts:
11, avenue Pozzo di Borgo - 92210 Saint-Cloud]
Saint-Cloud campus hosts the Book Trade division, which includes :
  • The training center for Library Careers (Regional training center for careers in the book industry) : Médiadix
  • A three-year and Master’s degree dedicated to careers in the book industry at UFR SITEC
Business & Administration Management/Marketing Techniques Departments
200, avenue de la République - 92000 Nanterre]
Nanterre campus hosts :

Mis à jour le 12 mars 2025